Sunday, July 11, 2010

Common Values for Sharing Veterans Plaza

(An Evolving Conversation)
as of July 28th, 2010 Moderated by Reemberto Rodriguez, Director

This simple list of ‘common values’ is intended to be positive, constructive, and self regulated rather than negative, restrictive or enforced. This carries no legal weight or implication… It is simply a community statement of our desires, expectations, and commitment for public behavior… This is simply an attempt to reach consensus on shared values to facilitate us sharing this beautiful new community asset for the enjoyment of all - today and for a long time to come.

[1] Be welcoming: Engage others. Start conversations. Share your talents.

[2] Be inviting: Bring family, friends, neighbors, and visitors.

[3] Be respectful: Treat others as you would like to be treated.

[4] Be playful: Without being disruptive or destructive.

[5] Be aware: Look around. Enjoy the scenery. Stay alert.

[6] Be safe: Safety first. Use common sense.

[7] Keep it clean: Pick up after yourself – and others.

[8] Share what you see: Let us know* about incidents and what can be improved.

[9] Share ideas: Be inventive! Think without inhibitions. Let us know.*

[10] Be appreciative: It belongs to all of you.


Please join this blog to get future posting – and leave your comments here so others can see them.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for believeing in me I will make a difference. See you around Silver Spring Events and Festival as well as Takoma Park and other place. Say hi please...

Thank you
Anthony Hinnant
Comunity Volunteer

Anonymous said...

Persons wishing to volunteer must attend meetings

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